Cryotherapy – What to expect at Rejuven8

Client smiling during Cryotherapy session.Initial Consultation

This is where the Cryotherapy ice is broken.

Your consultation will give you the opportunity to discuss goals, injuries or any healthy concerns that you may have. From there your Cryotherapy tech will be able to create a personalised plan of how many sessions are recommended to reach your desired outcome.

If you are feeling nervous prior to your session that is normal… Stop being so hard on yourself, you are trying something new and until you have tried it you can’t yet be obsessed with Cryotherapy like so many of our clients are! Ask those questions that you have. We want you to feel comfortable and at ease!

The Session

Its Cryo time! You will be provided with everything needed for your session; a robe, socks, slippers and gloves.

During a session men can wear underwear or shorts, women can wear underwear or swimwear. It is essential that there is no metal on the garments, including the metal underwire in a bra.

Prior to your session your Cryo Tech will ask you possibly the most important question of all… “What’s your favourite song?” If you want to rock out to Ice Ice Baby during your session that’s fine with us.

Once the CryoSauna has reached the desired temperature, your Cryotherapy tech will open the door and instruct you to enter the CryoSauna. Once you are inside the CrySauna you are in complete privacy and may remove your robe.

Next the deck that you are standing on will rise to keep your head above the vapour throughout your session. At this point your session will begin.

During the session the CryoSauna will give continuous blasts of the cold vapour. This is to ensure that the temperature remains consistent to the temperature chosen as part of your Cryo plan discussed in your consultation.

Your Cryo technician will be with you throughout your entire session, you will be able to talk to them, laugh, joke, get a photo… it is our aim to make this session as fun as possible. Clients are often surprised at how fast the session goes, due to being distracted by conversation. Not to mention Vanilla Ice in the background.

Proof for your friends… “Say Freeze”

This is usually the point where our clients like us to take a photo of them. Don’t be shy! Why shouldn’t you get a photo of yourself standing in a chamber that is 110 degrees colder than Mt Everest? Get that photo on Instagram. It may just settle some banter with your friends as to who’s mentally tougher.

If at any time you feel you don’t want the session to continue… No problem just let your Cryotherapy tech know and they will stop the session. Our machine is also fitted with a safety feature which will end the session as soon as the door is opened.

The Cryotherapy tech will instruct you when the session is about to finish. When the time is up the deck you are standing on will slowly start to lower, and then we will open the door for you.

After your session

When you step out of the CryoSauna enriched blood rushes back to your peripheral tissue, warming your skin and muscles. You may feel a rush of endorphins, increased energy or some clients report feeling completely relaxed.

After your session all that is left for you to do is enjoy the benefits. We often get asked if you can partake in physical activity after a Cryotherapy session. The answer is yes! In fact often athletes prefer to use Cryo prior to a big game, or hard training session. They find that the endorphins give them a lift, their range of motion is improved, and they are ready to perform at their best.

We are open 7 days a week, and are available for our clients to reach us at anytime. So if there is something that you forgot to ask us during the session… Just hit us up, we are here to help you!