
Ever get so caught up making a living you forget to truly live? ?

We are all so go go go we often forget to take time out for ourselves, for our health, for our sanity. ?

It’s so important no matter how busy you are, how many deadlines you have, commitments etc. to make time in your day to just stop, breathe, relax ?

Life can get overwhelming at times, we as humans are so used to forever being busy & on the go. So instead of going until you burn out, how about scheduling some me time daily?! ? Whether it be reading a book, meditating, exercising, yoga, sitting in silence for a few minutes. Every little bit of time you give yourself, your mind, your body to heal is so darn beneficial.

Yesterday I had yet another jam packed day, work, commitments, deadlines, expectations. But I gave myself 45 minutes of me-time & spent it @rejuven8cryo in there infrared sauna ??‍♀️?

Whilst I was in there I let my mind rest, I read a book, I sat in silence, I relaxed (as much as I could) & let the healing, detoxing & relaxation process begin. ?

Being a busy person I always make excuses as to why I don’t have the time to do things for myself when in actual fact I just prioritise other things more. ✨ I should be at the top of my to do list but instead I’m last always.. ? How does one function without refuelling? You wouldn’t drive your car with the fuel light screaming at you, so why are we running ourselves into the ground before we do anything about it?! ?✨

 Happy Friyay loves, please take some time for you today, no matter what you are most important ?✨